Secondary school portal form administrator view, review and download various user applications by using the VIEW APPLIED FORM. This application is only accessible to school form administrator and as well as the school administrator who can access all segments of the school portal.
Follow the steps below to view school form applications
- Navigate to http://{PORTAL-URL}/view-applied-form on a web browser note* replace {PORTAL-URL} with your secondary school portal URL e.g.
- A page is displayed showing a tabular list of user’s applications to various school forms
- FORM NAME displays the name of the school form the application was applied to
- DATE OF APPLICATION displays the date the user application was made
- STATUS displays the status of the application i.e. AWAITING APPROVAL, APPROVED or PENDING
- Click the DELETE button t delete the user’s application
- Click the VIEW/APPROVE to view and approve user application
- Pop up showing the users application information is displayed
- Click the APPROVE button to approve user’s application
- Click DOWNLOAD APPLICATION to download a hard copy of the users application
- Pop up showing the users application information is displayed
- Filter the school portal application following the steps below:
- Set Filter from date by filling the FROM DATE field to get applications after a particular date
- Set Filter to date by filliing the TO DATE field to get applications before a particular date
- Set Filter search keyword by filling the SEARCH KEYWORD field to get application where the keyword matches the application’s form name
- Click GO button to commit filter
- Click the REFRESH button to reload the application list.