Secondary school portal form administrator creates and manages all school online form by using the FORM FACTORY. This application is only accessible to school form administrator and as well as the school administrator who can access all segments of the school portal.
Follow the steps below to create and manage the secondary school portal’s online forms
- Navigate to http://{PORTAL-URL}/form-factory on a web browser note* replace {PORTAL-URL} with your secondary school portal URL e.g.
- A page is displayed showing the school portal’s existing forms in a tabular list
- FORM NAME shows the name of the form
- SUBMISSION MESSAGE shows the message a user gets after applying to a form
- AUTHOR shows the name of the administrator that created the form
- STATUS MODE indicates whether a form is ENABLED or DISABLED which mean that a form is visible and eligible for application and otherwise respectively.
- SCOPE indicates where a form is PRIVATE or PUBLIC which mean that a form is visible and eligible to registered school portal users only and otherwise respectively
- LINK shows the direct URL link to the online form
- Click the DELETE button to delete an existing school form
- Click the REFRESH button to reload the existing form list
- To edit or add new form click EDIT button and ADD NEW FORM button respectively
- A form dialog pops up showing all information of the form
- FORM NAME field holds the form name
- DESCRIPTION field holds the html description of the form note* this allow administrator to set the form description using html markups and styles
- MESSAGE AFTER SUBMISSION field holds the message users get after applying to form
- SCOPE field holds the scope of the form i.e. PRIVATE or PUBLIC
- Click the CANCEL button to cancel operation
- Click the SAVE button to save the operation
- A form dialog pops up showing all information of the form
After creation and management of school form, administrator need to define and manage the FORM FIELDS also known as the FORM QUESTIONS
- Click the OPEN FIELDS in the form tabular list to access the form field management
- A page is displaying the FORM FIELDS in a tabular list
- QUESTION holds the written to display to users
- CONTENT TYPE indicates the field type for the question e.g. TEXTFIELD for text (Name), DATEFIELD for date (Date of birth)
STATUS indicates whether a question is ENABLED or DISABLED which mean that a question is visible and eligible for application and otherwise respectively
- REQUIRED indicates whether a question is REQUIRED or NOT REQUIRED which mean that a question must be answered by the user and otherwise respetively
- SORT ORDER holds the order in which the question are presented to the user in ascending order
ANSWER OPTIONS holds the possible answers for user selection note* this is only applicable with question with the following CONTENT TYPE
- Click the BACK TO FORM to navigate back to form management section
- To edit or add new form field/question click EDIT button and ADD NEW FIELD button respectively
- A form field dialog pops up showing all information of the form field
- QUESTION holds the written question for th user to answer
CONTENT TYPE defines the type of answer field provided to user to answer the question. The existing content types are listed
- TEXTFIELD for normal text e.g. used for first name, last name, explanation etc.
- COMBOBOX(DROP DOWN SELECT) for selection in a drop down manner e.g. used for gender (select either male or female)
- OPTION GROUP for selection in picking manner e.g. colour preference (pick blue, red or green)
- DATEFIELD for date e.g. Date of Birth (pop up a calendar for user to easily set date)
- NUMBERFIELD for numbers only e.g. phone number, exam scores (ensures that the user provides only number)
- FILEUPLOAD for collecting such as images, pdf and word documents e.g. passport, hardcopy forms etc.
- URLLINK for directing user to external links from form
- STATUS indicates whether form field/question is ENABLED or DISABLED
- REQUIRED indicates whether form field/question is REQUIRED or NOT REQUIRED
- SORT ORDER holds the order number that determine order of question arrangement
- POSSIBLE RESPONSE holds the answer option answer the user gets to select
- LINK URL holds the external URL for redirection when the user clicks on it
- Click the DELETE button to delete form field/question (only available in edit mode)
- Click the CANCEL button to cancel operation
Click the SAVE button to save operation