Manage student signup request application is designed for school administrator to profile new students using a sign up request from students.
School administrators must ensure that the information provided by the student is accurate and correct before approving the request.
To approve students sign up request administrators must follow the steps below:
- Navigate to http://{PORTAL-URL}/manage-student-signup-request on a web browser note* replace {PORTAL-URL} with your sesondary school portal URL e.g.
- A page is displayed showing all students sign in request in a table
- FIRST NAME displays the student’s first name
- LAST NAME displays the student’s last name
- REG NUMBER displays the student’s registration number
- SCREEN NAME displays the student’s screen name
- PHONE displays the student’s contact phone number
- EMAIL displays the student’s email
- LEVEL/CLASS displays the student’s level/class
- CLASS UNIT displays the student’s class unit
- Click the DELETE button to disapprove and delete a student’s sign up request
- Click REVIEW/CONFIRM button to view and confirm a student’s sign up request
- A dialog pops-up showing the details of the student sign up
- Click CONFIRM button to profile the new student into the secondary school portal
- This will automatically create the student account with one year validity note* student validity per annum attracts 6 school units at the time of this documentation
- Click REFRESH button to reload the student sign up request table