School administrators can create and profile new teachers and class teachers using the teacher signup application.
To do such follow the steps below
- Navigate to http://{PORTAL-URL}/teacher-signup on a web browser note* replace {PORTAL-URL} with your secondary school portal URL e.g.
- A page showing a lecturer creation form is displayed
- SCREEN NAME is the username for the new teacher
- FIRST NAME is the first name of the new teacher
- LAST NAME is the middle name of the new teacher
- EMAIL is the email address of the new teacher
- TEACHER TYPE is the type of teacher i.e. TEACHER or CLASS TEACHER
- PHONE NUMBER is the phone number contact of the new teacher
- INSERT PASSWORD and CONFIRM PASSWORD is the initial password of the new teacher
- SELECT YOUR LEVEL/CLASS is the level/class the teacher will be assigned to
- SELECT YOUR CLASS UNIT is the class unit the teacher will be assigned to
- GENDER is the gender of the new teacher i.e. MALE or FEMALE
- DATE OF BIRTH is the date of birth of the teacher
- Click the RESET button to reset the teacher creation form
- Click the REGISTER TEACHER button to commit and profile the school teacher