To access a secondary school portal, users must follow the steps below

  1. Navigate to YOUR_SCHOOL_PORTAL_URL on a web browser e.g. given a secondary school portal with domain URL as . insert the URL in your browser URL tab and click enter
  2. The secondary school portal displays showing the portal’s home page
  3. The school logo and name is shown at the top right of the portal
  4. The navigation controls is located at the left side bar, these are links that navigates users to various part of the portal.
  5. For registered school portal users, click the SIGN IN button at the top right of the portal to display the school portal login form.
    1. Fill in the registered user’s screen name
    2. Fill in the registered user’s password
    3. Click the SIGN IN button to sign in user
    4. On successful sign in the user is directed to various landing page based on the USER TYPE
      • School Administrators lands to USER MANAGEMENT PAGE
      • Students lands to STUDENTS PROFILE PAGE
      • Teachers lands to TEACHERS PAGE
      • Class Teachers lands to CLASS TEACHERS PAGE
      • School form administrators lands to FORM FACTORY
      • School blog administrator lands to SCHOOL BLOG