Payment records consist of all payments made by the school administrator in SchoolWE such payment for purchase of school license and school unit.
School administrator can see all information and status of their payment using the PAYMENT RECORDS and finally print and download a hard copy of any payment record.
To do so, school administrator must follow the steps below:
- Navigate to on a web browser
- A table showing all payment details made by the school administrator
- Invoice# column holds the invoice number
- School column holds the school portal name the payment was made for
- Detail holds the description of the payment
- Currency holds the currency used for the payment
- Date holds the date the payment was made
- Status holds the current status of the payment i.e. UNPAID, PENDING AND PAID
- School administrator can filter payment records by
- Invoice number by filling the SEARCH BY INVOICE field
- School portal by selecting a school name from SCHOOL field
- Payment status by selecting a status type from the STATUS field
- Finally, click the GO button to apply filter
- Administrator can download a payment record hardcopy by clicking the PRINT button
- Click REFRESH button to refresh the entire payment records.