For school administrator to manage and overview its existing schools, he/she must follow the given steps below:

  1. Follow ACESS SCHOOLWE MANAGEMENT CONSOLE to login into admin’s console
  2. Navigate to on web browser
    1. A table is displayed showing in each row the attributes/information of the admin’s schools
    2. The first row shows one of these three colours: GREEN YELLOW, RED and BLACK
      • Green indicates that the school is still active and valid
      • Yellow indicates that the school has less than 90 days validity and active left
      • Red indicates that the school has less than 30 days validity and active left
      • Black indicates that the school is no longer active and valid
    3. Name is the name of school portal assigned by the administrator, Description is a brief explanation of the school portal assigned by administrator, License Elapse Time is amount validity days left of a school portal, URL is domain link for the school portal and Type is the type of the school portal i.e. Tertiary or Secondary.
  3. Click on the VIEW button on the school portal to manage the particular portal
  4. All information of the school portal is displayed showing firstly a BACK TO MYSCHOOLS button for navigating back to the school portals table
    1. School Name field containing the school portal’s name and it is editable
    2. Theme (colour) showing the school portal’s primary colour
    3. To change colour click on the button and select new colour
    4. School Logo showing the school portal’s logo if any has been assigned
    5. To change or set new logo click on the CHANGE SCHOOL LOGO link
    6. Registration No Regex field showing the school portal’s regex for validating if a student registration number format is valid and this is editable
    7. School type field showing the type of school portal
    8. School Unit showing the current school unit balance
    9. Click the PURCHASE SCHOOL UNIT to buy and update school unit balance
    10. License Elapse Date showing the school portal license expiry date
    11. Click PURCHASE LICENSE to acquire school license
    12. Description field showing a brief description of the school portal and it is editable
    13. No Of Users showing the count of current users of the school portal
  5. After review, changes and modifications of school portal information
    1. Click UPDATE CHANGES  to commit recent changes
    2. Click RESET to reset recent changes
    3. Click DELETE SCHOOL to completely delete school portal and its related information